Endogenous aspects of slope deformations origin and evolution

Endogenous aspects of slope deformations origin and evolution

During extreme rainfalls in 1997 a huge numbers of landslides were registered at NE of Moravia. According to results of field research, many of them are conditioned by stuctural-geological conditions. The aim of proposed project is to determine impact of structural and morphological conditions on the occurrence and evolution of selected slope failures and to determine possible effect of recent active tectonic processes in slope failures. Area under study is situated in tectonic active flysh belt of Outer Western Carphatians.
For monitoring of slope failures movements in relation with fault structures, three model localities (Radhošťský Hřeben ridge, Křížový Vrch Hill, Pulčínské Skály Rocks) were selected. Interpretation of these monitoring data and their correlation with other long-term measurements on fault structures will be provide basis for recognition of the potential effects of recent tectonic activity;
The dynamics in model localities nad selected structurally conditioned slope deformations will be analyze for three different time horizons: recent activity (monitoring of movements); within last tens to hundreds of years (using dendrochronology); and during last hundreds to about fifty thousand years (C14 isotope dating).
Results will be usefull to define basic models of structural conditions of landslide evolution within the study area; these models will help to improve existing landslide susceptibility maps.

Grant No.


Grant Agency

Grant Agenency Czech Republic

Resolved in


Principal investigator

RNDR. Josef Stemberk, CSc., Department Engineering Geology and Geofactors, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.


Jan Klimeš, Vít Jánoš, Ivo Baroň, Roman Novotný, Miloš Briestenský
