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Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia

Author: Cellmer Slawomir
DOI: 10.13168/AGG.2015.0016
Journal: Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, Vol. 12, No. 2 (178), Prague 2015
Full Text: PDF file (0.7 MB)
Keywords: GNSS data processing, MAFA method, validation methods
Abstract: Precise coordinates of control points, obtained from GNSS data processing can be utilized in geodynamic research. Periodic surveys allow for determination of displacements. They form a data set for geodynamic interpretation. Of particular importance is permanent monitoring of control points. This mode of measurement requires advanced methods of GNSS data processing. One such method is the Modified Ambiguity Function Approach (MAFA). So far many tests of this method have been performed and the results show it is efficient. It is even possible to obtain a good solution based on GNSS data from a single epoch. In this article, three validation procedures for the MAFA method are proposed. They are based on different principles than the validation methods in classic the approach of precise positioning, in which test statistics are formed from the quadratic forms of residuals associated with the most likely set of integer ambiguities and the second most likely set of integer ambiguities. In the MAFA method the proposed procedures are based on defining the confidence region of the float solution and then testing whether the final solution is included in this region. To test the new validation procedures an experiment was designed and performed. Single epoch solutions for some baselines have been analysed and the results of this research presented in this paper. Finally, some conclusions were drawn based on this analysis.