Natural and man-made disasters not only have a broad impact on the natural environment but also have serious economic and social consequences. The main theme of this conference is to evaluate the past events, their social and economic consequences, prevention by using geospatial technologies in both measures taken during these disasters, as well as for their prediction and development of scenarios for optimal solutions in crisis situations.
The conference is open for all scientists from universities, research institutions or other public or private bodies from European countries and around the world dealing with topics such as floods, flood protection of landscape, crisis management, GIS technologies as a tool of crisis management and social and economic consequences of natural hazards.
CONGEO 2015, Ústav Geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i.(Institute of Geonics ASCR)
Oddělenà Environmentálnà Geografie (Department of Environmental Geography), Drobného 28, 60200 Brno
E-mail konference: congeo@geonika.cz