Department of Neotectonics and Thermochronology

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Department of Neotectonics and Thermochronology deals with characterizing of fault structures and tectonic activity, as well as with study of geodynamic evolution of studied areas. Multidisciplinary approach uses methods of tectonic geomorphology, structural geology, applied geophysics etc. Spatiotemporal reconstruction and modelling of geological processes related to natural hazards such as tectonic movements and volcanism use also radionuclide dating methods, such as for example thermochronological dating.

1. Neotectonics and paleoseismicity 
Within the topics we study how tectonic movements formed the relief and with which slip rate of the faulting during late Tertiary and Quaternary. We also want to learn if the movements have been accompanied by larger earthquakes by studying their geological record on the surface or subsurface, in the Bohemian massif as well as abroad. We try to find out how large and how often those earthquakes happened in order to assess the seismic hazard in the sutided regions. Also paleostress changes during tectonic phases are a subject of our research.

2. Seismic hazard assessment 
Seismic hazard assessment has been done for seismoactive areas (e.g. Kashmir Valley in Western Himalaya), where also site response analysis was done using geotechnical earthquake engineering approach. Seismic microzonation of highly populated area has been also a result.

3. Thermochronology
We use helium thermochronological method to date rocks, i.e. we try to find out when the rocks cooled down below certain temperature, from which we imply specific geological processes. In combination with structural analyses and morphotectonic research we study the interaction of erosion, tectonic, and climatic processes which formed the relief of Bohemian Massif and try to reconstruct its geodynamic evolution in relation to interaction with Alpine-Carpathian Orogeny.

4. Landscape evolution and morphostructural analysis of landforms 
This topic incorporates various studies focused on landscape evolution or further morphostructural analyses of landforms. Main interest is in regions with large regional faults or volcanoes.

5. Dynamics and long-term evolution of slope deformation 
Within the topic, we study a dynamics and long-term evolution of slope deformations. Besides the evaluation of the landslide activity and hazard assessment, our department focuses on structural and tectonic conditions predisposing the slope development. Our team is also involved in the landslide monitoring activities, including invention and development of the monitoring techniques and their automation.

International Cooperation

Leipzig University
San Diego State University

Project: LH12078 - Assessment of Tectonic Movements on Active Faults (2012-2015, MSM/LH)
Investigator: P. Stepancikova, prof. Thomas Rockwell

Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, OR

College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEAOS)
- cooperation in fields of geophysics and tectonic research (Dr. Pieter-Ewald Share)

College of Forestry (CoF)
- cooperation in research of slope processes (Dr. Ben Leshchinsky, Dr. Michael Olsen)

University of Barcelona

Faculty of Geology, Dpt. Geodynamics and Geophysics:

Article: Combining new airborne LiDAR data and provenance of alluvial fan deposits to constrain long - term offsets along the Elsinore fault in the Coyote Mountains, Imperial Valley, California. prof. Eulalia Masana,

Paris Globe Institute of Physics (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris - Université de Paris)
The University of Vienna, Faculty of Earth Science, Geography and Astronomy Department of Deodynamics and Sedimentology

Project: 7AMB13AT023 - Neotectonics in the Alpine-Carpatian Foreland (2013-2014, MSM/7A) Investigator: Dr. Kurt Decker, RNDr. Petra Stepancikova, Ph.D.

University of Sheffield
United Kingdom
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Jena
Imperial College London
United Kingdom
University of Calcutta

Active Fault Mapping and Paleoseismology along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust, Mishmi thrust and the Naga Thrust within the Quaternaries, North Eastern India

Department of Geology and Mining,
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Tel-Aviv University, Department of Geosciences

Project: A Paleoseismic Record of Earthquakes for the Dead Sea Transform Fault between the First and Seventh Centuries C.E., Dr. Neta Wechsler, Ph.D., Prof. Thomas Rockwell, Dr. Yann Klinger, Ph.D.

Geological Institute “Strashimir Dimitrov” Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia)
Polish Geological Survey (Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - PIB),Wroclaw
University of Wrocław (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
Komenský University Bratislava
University of Göttingen
UNAM (Querétaro, Mexico city)

prof. Ramon Zuniga, project: Caracterizacion de fallas sismogenicas en el centro del cinturon volcanico mexicano: implicaciones para la peligrosidad sismica y la inestabilidad de laderas, 2011-2013, CONACYT, Mexico.

Investigators: prof. Ramon Zuniga, RNDr. Petra Stepancikova, Ph.D.


Application of (U-Th)/He hematite geochronology to the Çaldağ lateritic Ni-Co deposit, Western Anatolia: Implications for multi-stage weathering events during interglacial periods/segments


Gülyüz N., Kuşcu İ., Danišík M. (2024): Application of (U-Th)/He hematite geochronology to the Çaldağ lateritic Ni-Co deposit, Western Anatolia: Implications for multi-stage weathering events during interglacial periods/segments. Ore Geology Reviews 172, 106203. (WOS, IF 3.2 / Q1)

Low temperature thermochronology reveals tilting of crystalline bodies, Halilaga porphyry Cu-Au deposit, NW Anatolia: Implications for exploration of porphyry copper deposits and interpretation of low-temperature thermochronology data for regional tectoni


Gülyüz N., Gülyüz E., Karaoğlan F., Kuşcu İ. (2024): Low temperature thermochronology reveals tilting of crystalline bodies, Halilaga porphyry Cu-Au deposit, NW Anatolia: Implications for exploration of porphyry copper deposits and interpretation of lowtemperature
thermochronology data for regional tectonics. Ore Geology Reviews 166, 105958. (WOS, IF 3.2 / Q1)

Geomorphological and geo/thermo-chronological responses of Indian plate’s deformation during neogene- quaternary time along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Formation of Manabhum anticline


Goswami Chakrabarti C., Gulyuz E., Gulyuz N., Narzary B., Jaiswal M. K., Karaoglan F. (2024): Geomorphological and Geo/Thermo-chronological responses of Indian Plate’s deformation during Neogene-Quaternary time along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Formation of Manabhum Anticline. Journal of Asian Earth Science 260, 105967.

Characteristic Slow-Slip Events on the Superstition Hills Fault, Southern California


The Superstition Hills Fault (SHF) exhibits a rich spectrum of slip modes, including M 6+ earthquakes, afterslip, quasi-steady creep, and both triggered and spontaneous slow slip events (SSEs). Following 13 years of quiescence, creepmeters recorded 25 mm of slip during 16–19 May 2023. Additional sub-events brought the total slip to 41 mm. The event nucleated on the northern SHF in early-May and propagated bi-laterally at rates on the order of kilometers per day. Surface offsets reveal a bi-modal slip distribution, with slip on the northern section of the fault being less localized and lower amplitude compared to the southern section. Kinematic slip models confirm systematic variations in the slip distribution along-strike and with depth and suggest that slip is largely confined to the shallow sedimentary layer. Observations and models of the 2023 SSE bear a strong similarity to previous slip episodes in 1999, 2006, and 2010, suggesting a characteristic behavior.

Vavra E. J., Fialko Y., Rockwell T., Bilham R., Štěpančíková P., Stemberk Jakub, Tábořík 
P., Stemberk Josef (2024): Characteristic Slow-Slip Events on the Superstition Hills Fault, 
Southern California. Geophysical Research Letters 51, e2023GL107244.

Characteristic Slow-Slip Events on the Superstition Hills Fault, Southern California
Fig. Line of sight displacements due to 2023 slow slip on the Superstition Hills Fault from Sentinel-1A Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar analysis. Positive values (red) correspond to motion away from the satellite. Quaternary faults are shown in gray (USGS, 2020). The locations of the creepmeters (yellow triangle) and Global Navigation Satellite System stations (red triangles) are also shown. Linear features oriented WNW-ESE are an artifact due to patch-wise filtering of the radar phase.

Geomorphological and geo/thermo-chronological responses of Indian plate’s deformation during neogene- quaternary time along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Formation of Manabhum anticline


India-Eurasia and India-Burma collision systems encircle Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) in the north and the southeast. The main active structure responsible for the uplift of the Quaternary and Neogene rocks in the easternmost part of the EHS is the NW-SE trending Mishmi Thrust (MT). The spectacular antiformal Manabhum Hill developed during the Quaternary as a ramp antiform over a splay of Mishmi Thrust in its foreland region. The current work presents the deformation scenario, uplift rate, and landform development along the Mishmi Thrust from the Neogene to the Recent for the first time. The surface deformation and the rock and sediment deformation histories have been interpreted from the geomorphology, structure and petrology of the rocks and sediments. We use new (U + Th + Sm)/He low-temperature thermochronology (LTT) of zircon and apatite and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dates to calculate the uplift rate for the Neogene to early Quaternary and late Quaternary time intervals, respectively. The Neogene uplift rate varies between 0.91 and 2.3 mm/yr, whereas the early Quaternary uplift rate is ∼3.1 mm/yr. The increased uplift rate during the Quaternary period with significant deformation of sediments indicates the non-rigid character of the Indian plate in this sector, which experienced compression and clockwise rotation.

Publication: Goswami Chakrabarti Ch., Gülyüz E., Gülyüz N., Narzary B., Jaiswal M. K., Karaoglan F. (2024): Geomorphological and geo/thermo-chronological responses of Indian plate’s deformation during neogene- quaternary time along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Formation of Manabhum anticline. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 260, 1, 105967.

Figure: Overview of the study area with respect to the Himalayas and Naga Schuppen belt. A. Generalized tectonic-geological map of the eastern part of the Indian plate after Haproff et al., 2018 and Li et al., 2015, B. Study area on Google Earth showing major orogenic belts, C. The Cartosat DEM showing the Manabhum anticline and major rivers. D. General N-S cross-section of Himalayan Orogen after Hauck et al., 1998 along the line XY showing in A and B.

Paleoseismology of a Major Crustal Seismogenic Source Near Mexico City: The Southern Border of the Acambay Graben


The result of a paleoseismic survey in the Acambay Basin in central Mexico on the Venta de Bravo fault revealed two large Holocene earthquakes and a slip rate of 0.1 to 0.23 mm/yr. The seismic hazard resulting from the data was evaluated and compared with activity on nearby faults in the basin. The maximum magnitude of a possible future earthquake was estimated to be Mw = 7. The result was achieved in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Universitat de Barcelona; Departamento de Geología, Baja California, México; Sapienza University of Rome; Université Grenoble Alpes.

Publication: Leon-Loya R., Lacan P., Ortuno M., Zuniga R.F., Štěpančíková P., Stemberk Jakub, Hernández Flores A.P., Carrera Hernández J.J., Sunye-Puchol I., Aguirre-Díaz G.J., Audin L.: Paleoseismology of a Major Crustal Seismogenic Source Near Mexico City: The Southern Border of the Acambay Graben. Tectonics 2023, 42(6), e2022TC007610, doi:10.1029/2022TC007610

(a) A: Aerial photograph of the Canchesdá site along the Venta de Bravo Fault (VBF), red rectangles indicate the location of trenches. B: Oblique aerial view showing the trace and the two splays of the VBF at the Canchesdá site (derived from Google Earth). C: Picture of the scarp showing the location of Canchesdá-1 and Canchesdá-2 trenches. (b) D: Fault plane within a second order tributary of the Lerma River. E: Detail of striated fault plane. F: Exploratory trench Canchesdá-4 excavated to the east of Can-
(a) A: Aerial photograph of the Canchesdá site along the Venta de Bravo Fault (VBF), red rectangles indicate the location of trenches. B: Oblique aerial view showing the trace and the two splays of the VBF at the Canchesdá site (derived from Google Earth). C: Picture of the scarp showing the location of Canchesdá-1 and Canchesdá-2 trenches. (b) D: Fault plane within a second order tributary of the Lerma River. E: Detail of striated fault plane. F: Exploratory trench Canchesdá-4 excavated to the east of Can-creek exposure.

Origin of block accumulations based on the near-surface geophysics


Possible hypotheses of block accumulations origin werre tested and evolution by four different geophysical methods (electrical resistivity tomography [ERT], shallow seismic refraction [SSR], ground penetrating radar [GPR], and electromagnetic induction [EMI]) in the Central European Uplands. At the same time,  the applicability of geophysical methods were evaluated to determine the internal structure and thickness of block accumulations. 

Publication: Duffek V., Tábořík P., Stacke V., Mentlík P. (2023): Origin of block accumulations based on the near-surface geophysics. Open Geosciences 15(1), 20220468.

Figure: Location of the investigated areas and geological conditions. The key to the geological map has been simplified for the purpose of this research: Q = sediment (Q colluvial, Qh fluvial, orQh organic, aQ anthropogenic, Qp glaciogenic), gm = paragneiss, gco = paragneiss with garnet, g = granite, q = quartzite, sM = biotitic migmatite, i = aplite.

Neogene-Quaternary response of the Novohradské hory Mts. (Czech Republic) fluvial systems to tectonics – Analyses of morphotectonics, stream-length index and structural geology


Publication: Flašar J., Martínek K., Verner K., Kalinová R. (2023): Neogene-Quaternary response of the Novohradské hory Mts. (Czech Republic) fluvial systems to tectonics – Analyses of morphotectonics, stream-length index and structural geology, Quaternary International 656, 1-15.  ISSN 1040-6182.

New developments in onshore paleoseismic methods, and their impact on Quaternary tectonic studies


This outcome describes the new technologies and interpretations that arose over the past decade. The major technological advances have been in remote sending, e.g., unpiloted aerial vehicles (drones); airborne laser scanning (lidar); terrestrial laser scanning; 3D topographic surveys from Structure-from-Motion; and satellite geodesy such as D-InSAR. Advances have also been made in dating Quaternary deposits, including single-grain luminescence dating (in the laboratory), and portable optically-stimulated luminescence dating (in the field). Geophysical surveys are now a common component of neotectonic investigations, permitting a more formal, 3D integration of subsurface data with surface data. These techniques have lowered the threshold of recognition to smaller and smaller earthquakes, and allowed detection of off-fault deformation such as distributed faulting and folding.

Publication: McCalpin J., Ferrario F., Figueiredo P., Livio F., Grützner C., Pisarska-Jamroży M., Quigley M., Reicherter K., Rockwell T., Štěpančíková P., Tábořík P. (2023): New developments in onshore paleoseismic methods, and their impact on Quaternary tectonic studies. Quaternary International 664, 59-76.

New developments in onshore paleoseismic methods
Fig. Investigation of the Mariánské Lázně Fault (MLF) in Czechia. (Left) Shallow detailed survey focused on a trenching site: (A) a detailed ERT (top) and GPR (bottom) sections with simplified geological log overlaid; (B) 2D ERT combined with 3D GPR (pseudo 3D view) - mutual correlation of high reflective (GPR) and high resistive (ERT) sedimentary bodies; (C) 3D GPR depth (time) slices - a reconstruction of the pre-faulting state points out on a dextral strike-slip on younger faults intersecting the sedimentary bodies. (Right) Deep large-scale survey of MLF: (D) SSR - P-wave seismic velocity model; (E, F) gravity survey - (E) a curve of the Bouguer anomalies, (F) a forward gravity model derived from the Bouguer anomalies; (G) ERT - an inverse resistivity model with a topography with interpreted main geological units; (G) AMT - an audiomagnetotelluric survey inverse section showing the situation to the depth of 1 km.

Could long valley glaciers have been extended in the Bohemian Forest? Geophysical insights from Großer Rachel Region


Publication: Papež D., Duffek V., Mentlík P., Tábořík P. (2023): Could long valley glaciers have been extended in the Bohemian Forest? Geophysical insights from Großer Rachel Region. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia 20, No. 3 (211), 103–110. DOI:

First paleoseismic data from the Balkan Range


The strike-slip faults form a basin-and-range relief in the Balkan Mountains with low historical seismicity and extension rates. A paleoseismic survey was carried out on the Zlatitsa fault, which revealed two major earthquakes in 42,000 years. These earthquakes are similar to the M 6.8-7.1 cluster on the adjacent faults in 1904 and 1928. The geodetic rate on the eastern faults is consistent with the detected paleoseismic rate. This may indicate that while the Zlatitsa fault is in a stress recovery phase, the adjacent faults may already be close to collapse.

Publication: Radulov A., Dilov T., Rockwell T., Štěpančíková P., Yaneva M., Donkova Y., Stemberk J., Sana H., Nikolov N. (2023): First paleoseismic data from the Balkan Range. Tectonophysics 863, 230009.

First paleoseismic data from the Balkan Range
Fig. Geological profile of the exploratory trench across the Zlatitsa fault. Geological profile of the exploratory trench across the Zlatitsa fault, showing faults and boundaries of two identified earthquakes of the last 40 thousand years. Trench log. Calibrated radiocarbon ages are shown by medians.

The geo/thermo-chronology of Dismal Island (Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula)


Publication: Karaoğlan F., Karataş B., Özdemir Y., Gülyüz E., Vassilev O., Selbesoğlu M. O., Gildir S. (2023): The geo/thermo-chronology of Dismal Island (Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula). Turkish Journal od Earth Sciences, 32, 975-988. doi:10.55730/1300-0985.1887

Torkham Rockslide of April 18, 2023, in Pakistan: an interplay of geomorphology, geology, slope cutting, and climate


Publication: Sana H., Ullah R., Zinke R., Fielding E. (2023): Torkham Rockslide of April 18, 2023, in Pakistan: an interplay of geomorphology, geology, slope cutting, and climate. Landslides

The effect of tree growth disturbances inertia on dendrogeomorphic spatio-temporal analysis of landslides: A case study


Publication: Šilhán K., Fabiánová A., Klimeš J., Tábořík P., Hartvich F., Blahůt J. (2023): The effect of tree growth disturbances inertia on dendrogeomorphic spatio-temporal analysis of landslides: A case study. Catena 235, 107678.

Geophysical imaging of tree root absorption and conduction zones under field conditions: a comparison of common geoelectrical methods


Publikace: Majewski R.S.,Valenta J., Tábořík P., Weger J., Kučera A., Patočka Z., Čermák J. (2022): Geophysical imaging of tree root absorption and conduction zones under field conditions: a comparison of common geoelectrical methods. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05648-2, IF2021 4.993 (Q1)

Preliminary Study of the Manabhum Anticline: A Possible Key to Better Understanding the Quaternary Tectonics of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxial Zone


The research focuses on the Quaternary evolution of the Manahum anticline in the Eastern Himalayan Foreland (EEC). It shows how relief deformation, elevation and sediment deposition and subsequent faulting occurred in this area. The study further interprets how these elevations were formed - it is a so-called "ramp" anticline displaced by a shear structure parallel to the Mishmi Shear (part of the EHS). The results of the study may serve as a guide to elucidate the Quaternary evolution of the EHS in the future. 

Publikace: Chandreyee Goswami Chakrabarti, Narzary B., Weber J. C., Jana P., Bhattacharjee S., Jaiswal M. (2022): Preliminary Study of the Manabhum Anticline: A Possible Key to Better Understanding the Quaternary Tectonics of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxial Zone. In: Bhattacharya H. N., Bhattacharya S., Das B. C., Islam A. (eds.): Neotectonic Movements and Channel Evolution in the Indian Subcontinent. A Book of collection, Springer Nature. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-95435-2_9

Model struktury antiklinály Manabhum v předpolí východního Himálaje (EHS).
Model of the structure of the Manabhum anticline in the foothills of the eastern Himalaya (EHS). 

Neogene Restoration of Geometry of the Neotethyan suture zone in Central Anatolia (Turkey)


Výsledky studia paleomagnetismu na 40 nových a 27 již dříve publikovaných míst poskytují důkazy o opakovaných rotacích bloků ve střední Anatolii od miocénu. Výsledky zde prováděných výzkumů poukazují na to, že tzv. „Neotethyan Suture Belts“, které dnes mají orientaci převážně ve směru V-Z až ZSZ-VJV, měly ještě před koncem miocénu orientaci přibližně S-J. 

Publikace: Özkaptan, M., Gülyüz, E., Kaymakcı, N., Langereis, C.G, (2021): Neogene Restoration of Geometry of the Neotethyan suture zone in Central Anatolia (Turkey). International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2021.2010133, IF: 3.958 (2020, Q1)

Neogenní rotace bloků okolo vertikální osy v centrální části Anatolie, Turecko. Obrázek ukazuje lokality a výsledky paleomagnetického výzkumu z období neogénu.

Geology and Petrography of Uraniferous Bitumens in Permo-Carboniferous Sediments (Vrchlabí, Czech Republic)


Publication: Havelcová M., Sýkorová I., René M., Mizera J., Coubal M., Machovič V., Strunga V., Goliáš V. (2022): Geology and Petrography of Uraniferous Bitumens in Permo-Carboniferous Sediments (Vrchlabí, Czech Republic). Minerals 12(5), 544, 1-19. DOI: 10.3390/min12050544 IF2021 2.818 (Q2)

Multiphase deformation, fluid flow and mineralization in epithermal systems: Inferences from structures, vein textures and breccias of the Kestanelik epithermal Au-Ag deposit, NW Turkey


Multiphase deformation, fluid flow and mineralization in epithermal systems were investigated by detailed study of the vein textures and breccias of the epithermal Au-Ag deposit Kestanelik. The spatial distribution of breccias on veins in fault zones suggests that the intensity of coseismic hydrothermal brecciation is controlled by the proximity of the boiling level. Miscellaneous number of mineralization events suggests that each individual earthquake reopened only one or more closed veins, but not all at once.

Publication: Gülyüz N., Shipton Z. K., Kuşcu İ (2022): Multiphase deformation, fluid flow and mineralization in epithermal systems: Inferences from structures, vein textures and breccias of the Kestanelik epithermal Au-Ag deposit, NW Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. Manusctipt no. YER-2206-13, accepted 2022. 10.55730/1300-0985.1828 IF2021 1.543 (Q4)

Multiphase deformation, fluid flow and mineralization in epithermal systems, Turkey
Hypothetical models of the internal structural evolution of host vein and modeI vein disorders on Kestanelik Au-Ag deposit, NW Turkey. 
Figure shows: (a) a hypothetical model of internal structural evolution of veins in a fault by repeated opening of the fault along the vein contact and subsequent healing (mineralization), (b) a hypothetical structural model of the internal evolution of Mode I veins by repeated opening (mode I fracture) along one of the vein contacts and subsequent healing and sealing (mineralization).

Neogene restoration of geometry of the Neotethyan suture zone in Central Anatolia (Turkey).


The geometries of suture zones were restored that involved various continental blocks in central Anatolia during the Neogene, using palaeomagnetic data. Our new results point out five distinct Neogene tectonic domains with distinct rotation patterns that indicate the rotational deformation of Central Anatolia is far more complex than generally presumed.

Publication: Özkaptan M., Gülyüz E., Kaymakcı N., Langerei C. (2022): Neogene restoration of geometry of the Neotethyan suture zone in Central Anatolia (Turkey). International Geology Review 64 (21), 2985-3004. ISSN 0020-6814. E-ISSN 1938-2839.


Dating and modelling of geological processes

Zircon and Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/Helium dating Alphachron © Pinar Ertepinar Kaymakci 
Erhan Gülyüz
Thermal history modelling by various softwares   Pinar Ertepinar Kaymakci
Erhan Gülyüz 
Nilay Gülyüz

Thermochronology Laboratory for Low Temperature (U-Th)/Helium Dating


Thermochronology is the study of the thermal history of rocks. We date minerals such as e.g. apatite and zircon using (U-Th)/Helium dating to investigate when a rock sample has last experienced temperatures between ~40-70°C and 120-180°C respectively. For a standard geothermal gradient of ~25°C/km for the upper crust these temperatures correspond to depths of ~1.5 - 3 and 5 - 7 km.

The method utilizes α-decay of 238U and 232Th (parent isotopes), a process producing 4He atoms (daughter isotopes) which are only preserved below specific temperatures in the targeted minerals. This allows us to pinpoint the time when these temperature thresholds were crossed, by measuring all three isotopes and solving the decay equation. 

This method requires careful selection of ideal target mineral crystals under microscope conditions as well as high sensitivity analysis of the parent (U/Th) and daughter (He) isotope ratio to obtain precise, accurate and reproducible data. Our new laboratory enables us to do that. 

At the IRSM we will be using this technique to investigate the Cenozoic tectonic and erosional development of the Czech Republic, Europe and beyond (check webpage of our department for current projects).