The Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in collaboration with the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Geodesy, Brno University of Technology, and under the auspices of the Committee for Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences are pleased to extend an invitation to the 20th Czech-Polish Workshop on
"Recent Geodynamics of Central Europe"
and the 2nd Symposium of the Committee on Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences
that will be held in Jakuszyce, Poland, between October 24th - 26th, 2019
The scientific programme of the 20th Workshop proceeds the topics of the nineteen previous Workshops organized from 1998. It is focused on topics concerning the recent dynamics of the Central Europe area with particular emphasis on the Sudetes and adjacent areas:
- Geodesy — GPS/GNSS observations, precise levelling, remote sensing, gravimetry, InSAR technique, deformation measurement techniques,
- Geology — neotectonics, neo-volcanology, geomorphology, brittle tectonics, structural geology, tectonophysics
- Geophysics — seismology, stress and strain fields, geomagnetism, geo-electricity, heat flow, gravity
- Geodynamics – crustal movements, Earth surface deformations, tectonic movements as well as Earth rotation, changes in the length of day, tidal movements, polar motion etc.
As part of the conference, a workshop session is planned to present the scientific potential of institutions interested in cooperation within the framework of the planned joint research projects on geodynamic research.
Abstracts should be written in English in MS Word. All texts submitted must be error free and camera-ready form. Abstracts must be kindly submitted by e-mail to the Organizing Committee no later than September 15, 2019. Registration is possible online: http://www.gislab.up.wroc.pl/20workshop/?page=6, by mail or by e-mail.
E-mail registration: workshop@igig.up.wroc.pl