he first stage of building a giant landslide monitoring network on El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, was completed by the beginning of February, experts from the Department of Engineering Geology Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics (IRSM) AV CR. This work is funded by the National Geographic Society grant and the Waitt Institute. Coastal and submarine landslides on volcanic islands, the largest known landslides on Earth. In the Canary Islands, they occurred fairly regularly over the last 300,000 years and probably for them were large and tsunami.
"We expect that the project will bring new knowledge about the behavior of giant landslides and their dynamics in relation to seismic activity. This could also help to predict landslides and protect the public from any threat, "said researcher IRSM Mgr. Jan Blahut, Ph.D., who works for the project.
Mgr. Jan Blahůt, Ph.D., tel: 266 009 394, e-mail: blahut@irsm.cas.cz,
RNDr. Jan Klimeš, Ph.D., e-mail: klimes@irsm.cas.cz