The VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava ranks among the top technical universities in the Czech Republic. It is equipped with excellent research infrastructure and modern laboratory facilities.
Currently offer 17 post-doctoral (postdoc) research positions on the following five themes (project modules), supported by the EU Operational Program "Education for Competitiveness" and the Czech state budget:
A.) IT for solving crisis situations (IT for disaster and traffic management)
(4 postdoc positions; contact: Assoc. Professor Vondrak, vit.vondrak@vsb.cz)
B.) Numerical methods and libraries for parallel computing
(2 postdoc positions; contact: Assoc. Professor Kozubek, tomas.kozubek@vsb.cz)
C.) Modelling in nanotechnologies
(4 postdoc positions; contact: Professor Pistora, jaromir.pistora@vsb.cz)
D.) IT for knowledge processing
(2 postdoc positions; contact: Professor Snasel, vaclav.snasel@vsb.cz)
E.) Smart systems in energetics
(5 postdoc positions; contact: Professor Cermak, tomas.cermak@vsb.cz)
The employer will be The VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava. Postdocs will be employed full-time as an academic worker for a fixed period of up to 2 years. The gross salary ranges between 40 – 60 thousand CZK a month (EUR 1600 – 2400).
The main postdoc activities are: participation in research activities in a relevant team of experts, preparation of new joint research projects, publication activities, teaching, active participation in workshops and conferences, foreign internships or internships in the application sphere for 3 – 6 months.
For informal enquiries about any aspect of the positions, please contact the relevant investigator mentioned in the parentheses above.
Zájemci by měli zaslat potřebné dokumenty v českém nebo anglickém jazyce nejpozději 30.dubna 2013 / Interested candidates should send the documents in the Czech or English language, no later than April 30, 2013 to:
petra.gresova@vsb.cz (tel. 597 329 016)