Mgr. Jana Schweigstillová, Ph.D.

Building No. 1
Floor No. 1
Room No. 1
About Me

I have started working at the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the ASCR, v.v.i. (IRSM) in 1998, before I completed my master's degree at the Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. I continued my doctoral studies at the same institute, finishing the Ph.D. degree in 2008.
Currently, I work as a researcher at the IRSM. My focus were geochemistry and mineralogy of sediments, weathering and geomorphology of sandstones and salt crystallization. I was also active in the field of practical applications of other geochemical methods and approaches (e.g. XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, laboratory isotopic study, physical experiments with locked sands and friable sandstones, experience with salt weathering, experience with measurement of rock surface strength or rock surface moisture). While some part of my fieldworks was and is carried on in the Czech Republic (different sandstone areas), during my career I also worked in Jordan, Poland, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Germany, U.S.A. or France. At this time, I deal with the scanning electron microscopy – SEM and EDS (QUANTA 450, FEI) and with the experiments in the climatic test chamber (CTC 256, Memmert). I am author or co-author about 50 scientific papers, some reports, and served as reviewer for several student´s thesis.
Some other older works and projects were supported by cooperation with Dr. D.Hradil and Dr. P.Bezdička from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. (XRD analysis). Some publications were created on the basis of cooperation with colleagues from the Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (with Dr. D.Koloušek and with Ing. L.Herzogová or Dr. M. Novotná and Dr. Machovič – FTIR methods and Raman Spectroscopy). The collaboration on electron microscopy has been ongoing for the last years with some colleagues from the IRSM (Dr.M.Vondráčková and Dr.Šrein, Dr. L.Nováková or Dr. M.Černý). Foreign cooperation was supported in 2018 by the study of clay minerals using SEM and EDS with Dr. Javier Cuadros from the Natural History Museum in London.
In the last few years, I cooperated intensively with J.Bruthans from the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague and with Dr. M.Filippi from the Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. This cooperation builds on previous studies on the issue of geomorphological development of sandstone rock towns, especially with Bruthans and his many students from the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, with Dr. A.L. Mayo (Brigham Young University, Provo, U.S.A.) and with some other colleagues (Dr. J.Adamovič from the Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., G.Kletetschka from the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague and Dr. J.Válek from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i.). In our current project, we focus on all granular rocks.

Publishing Activity

Soukupová J., Hradil D., Přikryl R.: (2002): Chemical weathering of clay – rich sandstone matrix: controls and case studies. In: Přikryl R., Viles H. A. (Eds.): Understanding and Managing Stone Decay. Proceeding of the International Conference Stone Weathering and Atmospheric Pollution Network (SWAPNET 2001), 263-271.

Hradil D., Hostomský J., Soukupová J. (2002): Aluminium Release Rates from Acidified Clay Structures: Comparative Kinetic Study, Geologica Carpathica, 53, 2, 117-121.

Schweigstillová J., Šímová V., Hradil D. (2005): New investigations on the salt weathering of Cretaceous sandstones, Czech Republic. In: Ries C. & Krippel Y. (Eds.) Sandstone landscapes in Europe - Past, Present and Future. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Sandstone landscapes. Vianden (Luxembourg) 25-28.05.2005. Ferrantia, 44, 177-179.

Novák M., Mitchell M.J., Jačková I., Buzek F., Schweigstillová J., Erbanová L., Přikryl R. and Fottová D. (2007): Processes affecting oxygen isotope ratios of atmospheric and ecosystem sulfate in two contrasting forest catchments (Black Triangle Region, Central Europe), Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (3), 703-709.

Schweigstillová J. a Hradil D. (2007): Salt Formation on the Cretaceous Sandstone in North and Northwest Bohemia (Czech Republic) - In: Hartel H., Cilek V., Herben T., Jackson A. and Williams R.B.G.(eds.): Sandstone Landscapes. Administration of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park and Academia, Prague, 76-79.

Šrein V., Šťastný M., Šreinová B., Králová J., Schweigstillová J. (2007): Spodnoturonské písčité vápence v Kutné Hoře a Miskovicích. - Bull. mineral.-petrolog. Odd. Nár. Muz. (Praha), 14-15, 170-176.

Švarcová S., Schweigstillová J., Kotulanová E. a Bezdička P.: Painting copper-based pigments, their chemism and degradation, Struktura 2007 - Kolokvium Krystalografické společnosti, 18.-21.6.2007, Dvůr Králové n. L., ČR, Materials Structure, 14, 2 (2007), 127-128.

Schweigstillová J., Přikryl R. a Novotná M. (2009): Isotopic composition of salt efflorescence from the sandstone castellated rocks of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic). Environmental Geology 58, 217-225.

Bruthans J., Jenč P., Churáčková Z. a Schweigstillová J. (2009): Vykroužené dutiny Českého ráje: jak a kdy vznikaly? Speleofórum 28. Brno, 101-105.

Bruthans J., Churáčková Z., Jenč P. a Schweigstillová J. (2009): Stáří a původ sekundárních karbonátů v některých jeskyních Českého ráje, Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2008, 54-58.

Bruthans J. a Schweigstillová J. (2009): Hliníkem bohaté vody z nenasycené zóny pískovců: atmosférickou depozicí nejvíce acidifikované prostředí v ČR? In: Rapantová N. a Grmela A. (Eds.): Voda - strategická surovina pro 21.století, 43-46.

Adamovič J., Mikuláš R., Schweigstillová J. and Böhmová V. (2011): Porosity changes induced by salt weathering of sandstones, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic., Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 8, 1 (161), 29-45.

Švarcová J., Koloušek D. and Schweigstillová J. (2011): Pyramids and geopolymers?, Keramický zpravodaj 27 (2), 5-13.

Bruthans J., Schweigstillová J., Churáčková Z. and Jenč P. (2011): Clay layer above the sandstone cave as a source of CaCO3 in secondary cave carbonates: Composition and origin (Bohemian Paradise, Czech Republic). In: Šťastný M. (Ed.) Informátor 46, Book of Abstracts. 19. jílová konference v České Republice, Skalský Dvůr u Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, 28.– 31.8 2011. ČSVVJ, p. 5, Praha.

Bruthans J., Schweigstillová J., Jenč P., Churáčková Z. and Bezdička P. (2012): 14C and U – Series Dating of Speleothems in the Bohemian Paradise (Czech Republic): Retreat Rates of Sandstone Cave Walls and Implications for Cave Origin. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 9, 1 (165), 93-109.

Herzogová L., Doušová B., Lhotka M., Machovič V., Schweigstillová J., Koloušek D. (2012): Adsorpce toxických oxoaniontů Se na povrchově upravený kaolin. Chemické listy, 106, 759-764.

Strachota A., Černý M., Chlup Z., Šlouf M., Hromádková J., Pleštil J., Šandová H., Glogar P., Sucharda Z., Havelcová M., Schweigstillová J., Dlouhý I. and Kozák V. (2012): Optimization of sol–gel/pyrolysis routes to silicon oxycarbide glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solid, Volume 358, Issue 20, Pages 2771-2782.

Bruthans J., Svetlik D., Soukup J., Schweigstillova J., Valek J., Sedláčková M. and Mayo A. (2012): Fast evolving conduits in clay-bonded sandstone: Characterization, erosion processes and significance for origin of sandstone landforms. Geomorphology, 177, 178-193.

Bruthans J., Schweigstillová J., Bezdička P. a Soukup J. (2012): Intenzivní rozpad karbonského pískovce ve skalním převisu Čertova kazatelna v Plzni (Fast disintegration of the carboniferous sandstone in rock overhang Čertova Kazatelna in Plzeň town). Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2011, 70-74.

Schweigstillová J., Bruthans J., Falteisek L., Válek J. a Soukup J. (2013): Rychlá tvorba skalních kůr na povrchu hruboskalského pískovce: mikroskopický popis, tahová pevnost, odolnost vůči erozi, vznik a význam pro pískovcový reliéf (Fast-formed case hardened surfaces on exposures of Hruba Skala sandstone: microscopic description, tensile strength, erodability, origin and significance for sandstone landscape), Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2012, 228-234.

Bruthans J., Soukup J., Světlík D., Schweigstillová J. a Mayo A.L. (2013): Zpevněné povrchy puklin v kvádrovém pískovci a jejich role při vzniku skalních měst (Hardened fracture surfaces in quader sandstone and their role in origin of rock cities), Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2012, 109-115.

Soukup J., Bruthans J., Světlík D., Schweigstillová J. a Smutek D. (2013): Sebeorganizovaný systém podzemních kanálů vzniklých prouděním vody v puklinách křemenného pískovce v lomu Střeleč (Self-organized system of underground conduits originated by groundwater flow along fractures in quartz sandstone in Střeleč quarry), Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2012, 296-304.

Bruthans J., Soukup J., Schweigstillová J., Vaculíková J., Smutek D., Mayo A.L. and Falteisek L. (2013): Origin of „rock cities“, pillars and cleft-conduits in kaolinite-bonded sandstone: new insight from study in sandstone quarry where landforms recently evolve. In Filippi M., Bosák P. (Eds), 2013. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology, July 21–28, Brno. Volume 3, 247-252. Czech Speleological Society. Praha.

Steinerová M., Schweigstillová J. (2013): Porous microstructure of interfacial transition zone in geopolymer composites, Ceramics – Silikáty 4, 57, 328-335.

Černý M., Halasová M., Schweigstillová J., Chlup Z., Sucharda Z., Glogar P., Svítilová J., Strachota A., Rýglová Š. (2014): Mechanical properties of partially pyrolysed composites with plain weave basalt fibre reinforcement, Ceramics International, 7507-7521.

Bruthans J., Soukup J., Vaculíková J., Filippi M., Schweigstillová J., Mayo A.L., Mašín D., Kletetschka G., Řihošek J. (2014): Sandstone landforms shaped by negative feedback between stress and erosion. Nature Geoscience, 7 (8), 597-601.

Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Halasová M., Rýglová Š., Schweigstillová J., Svítilová J., Havelcová M. (2015): Changes in structure and in mechanical properties during the pyrolysis conversion of crosslinked polymethylsiloxane and polymethylphenylsiloxane resins to silicon oxycarbide glass, Ceramics International 41, 6237–6247.

Strachota A., Černý M., Chlup Z., Rodzeń K., Depa K., Halasová M., Šlouf, M. and Schweigstillová J. (2015): Preparation of finely macroporous SiOC foams with high mechanical properties and with hierarchical porosity via pyrolysis of a siloxane/epoxide composite. Ceramics International 41, 8402–8410.

Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Svítilová J., Schweigstillová J., Halasová M., Rýglová Š. (2015): Si-O-C ceramic foams derived from polymethylphenylsiloxane precursor with starch as foaming agent, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (13), 3427-3436.

Řihošek J., Bruthans J., Mašín D., Filippi M., Carling G. T., Schweigstillová J. (2016): Gravity-induced stress as factor reducing decay of monuments in Petra, Jordan. Journal of Cultural Heritage 19, 415-425.

Slavík M., Bruthans J., Filippi M., Schweigstillová J., Falteisek L., Řihošek J. (2017): Biologically-initiated rock crust on sandstone: Mechanical and hydraulic properties and resistance to erosion. Geomorphology 278, 298-313.

Bruthans J., Filippi M., Schweigstillová J., Řihošek J. (2017): Quantitative study of a rapidly weathering overhang developed in an artificially wetted sandstone cliff. Earth Surface and Landform Processes, 42, 5, 711-723.

Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Schweigstillová J., Svítilová J. and Halasová M. (2017): Rheological behaviour and thermal dilation effects of alumino-silicate adhesives intended for joining of high-temperature resistant sandwich structures, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37, 5, 2209-2218.

Slavík M., Bruthans J., Schweigstillová J., Falteisek L. (2017): Vliv biokolonizace na erozi a odolnost pískovcových povrchů. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2016 50, 81-87.

Králová J., Šreinová B., Schweigstillová J., Šrein V. (2017): Výzkum strusek a geologických vzorků z archeologického nálezu v Kostelních Střimelicích. Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze. 25(2), 183-190.

Cuadros J., Schweigstillová J. (2018): Rock fabric and origin of the expandable phyllosilicates in the sands of the Ashdown Formation, East Sussex, UK. Applied Clay Science, 166, 185-199.

Kůrková I., Bruthans J., Balák F., Slavík M., Schweigstillová J., Bruthansová J., Mikuš P., Vojtíšek J. and Grundloch J. (2019): Factors controlling evolution of karst conduits in sandy limestone and calcareous sandstone (Turnov area, Czech Republic) Journal of Hydrology, 574, 1062-1073.

Vysoká H., Bruthans J., Falteisek L., Žák K., Rukavičková L., Holeček J., Schweigstillová J., Oster H. (2019): Hydrogeology of the deepest underwater cave in the world: Hranice Abyss, Czechia. Hydrogeology Journal, 27, 2325-2345.

Černý M., Chlup Z., Strachota A., Halasová M., Schweigstillová J., Kácha P. a Svítilová J. (2020): Potential of glass, basalt or carbon fibres for reinforcement of partially pyrolysed composites with improved temperature and fire resistance. CERAMICS-SILIKATY, 6, 2, 115-124.

Slavík M., Bruthans J., Weis T., Schweigstillová J. (2020): Measurements and calculation of seasonal evaporation rate from bare sandstone surface. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45, 12, 2965-2981.


Czech Association of Economic Geologists - board member
Czech National Clay Group - board member

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Lecture, Seminar / Workshop

Seminar on geoscience research in the Eger Rift

On October 31, 2024, an informal research seminar, devoted to current geoscience research in the Eger Rift and surroundings, will take place in our institute. The seminar is open to interested audience of geoscience students and professionals from academia, industry, and public institutions.

P. Hrubcová, T. Fischer, T. Dahm, V. Rapprich, J. Valenta, J. Mrlina, R. Beránek, P. Tábořík, T. Vylita
Drilling in western Eger Rift and surveying of Bažina Maar

P. Štěpančíková, J. Flašar, T. Rockwell, Jakub Stemberk, P. Tábořík, Ch. Goswami, F. Hartvich, H. Sana, N. Brown
Variability of neotectonic activity along the Mariánské Lázně fault

P. Tábořík, P. Štěpančíková, Jakub Stemberk, L. Findžová, T. Fischer, J. Valenta
Discovering the Čirá-Kopanina Fault: Bridging the Gap Between Surface Evidence and Seismic Activity?

J. Flašar, P. Štěpančíková
Geomorphological evidence of tectonic activity of the Mariánské Lázně Fault (Czech Republic) and its influence to stream network evolution

M. Coubal, M. Šťastný, P. Štěpančíková, Jakub Stemberk, J. Schweigstillová, F. Veselovský, D. Kořínková
Study of faulted volcanic bodies – a specific way to reconstruct the paleostress
events during the Plio-Pleistocene. A case study from the Komorní Hůrka Volcano, Bohemian Massif

Journal / Book

Sandstone landforms shaped by negative feedback between stress and erosion

NATURE Geoscience

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Sandstone shapes 'forged by gravity'

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