Permanent or temporary seismological stations have been deployed on the territory of the Czech Republic (WEBnet and Czech Regional Seismic Network, both in cooperation with IG CAS), Slovakia (cooperation with Slovak Academy of Sciences),Iceland (cooperation with IG CAS and Icelandic Geological Survey ISOR), California (cooperation with USGS) and Ethiopia (cooperation with Czech Geological Survey, Charles University (CUNI) and Geological Survey of Ethiopia). The part of this monitoring concerning Europe belongs to the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) and CzechGeo projects. The collected data is used both for basic research as well as for monitoring seismic activity and the related seismic-hazard issues associated with important infrastructure (especially nuclear power plants TemelÃn, Dukovany and Jaslovské Bohunice). The data from these networks is used for seismological and volcanological purposes and, in the future, they can also be used to ensure safety of geothermal power plants. Four seismic stations were deployed in Ethiopia as part of a development program of scientific infrastructure.