Biomechanically defined absorbable materials for cardiovascular surgery

Biomechanically defined absorbable materials for cardiovascular surgery

Many current vascular surgery procedures such as the palliative treatment of congenital heart diseases, the wrapping of aneurysms, arterialized vein grafts or endoleak prevention are based on the mechanical interaction of the arterial wall and external reinforcement. This project concerns the development of a composite material consisting of copolymers of poly-L-lactate (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers combined with a collagen matrix in for use in resorbable arterial bands which will enable a reduction in arterial blood flow and arterial wall protection against pathological changes and rupture. The structural, degradation and mechanical characteristics of the PCL/PLA collagen composite will be determined in a simulated body environment and after sterilization. The biocompatibility will be verified on cell cultures and in the rat peritoneum. Biomechanical and degradation properties and material-artery biological interactions will be analyzed in a rabbit model. Proof of the arterial bands function will provided via pulmonary artery and abdominal aorta bandin´g using a piglet model.

Grant No.

NU20-02-00368,  Applied Health Research Support Programme 

Grant Agency

Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic

Resolved in


Principal investigator

prof. MUDr. Jiří Moláček, Ph.D. 
Charles University / Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen


doc. Ing. Tomáš Suchý, Ph.D. 
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS

doc. Ing. Lukáš Horný, Ph.D. 
Czech Technical University in Prague / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

doc. Ing. Eva Kuželová Košt'áková, Ph.D. 
Technical University of Liberec / Faculty of Science, Human
