Tropical climate and vegetation response during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age; an integrated study of spatial and temporal variability

Tropical climate and vegetation response during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age; an integrated study of spatial and temporal variability

Project Aims: Establishing the first conceptual model of climatic, environmental and floristic dynamics of tropical Pangea during the Pennsylvanian part of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age on time scales ranging from the Milankovitch band to a multi-Myr aridification trend.

Kategorie oddělení
Grant No.

25-16958S (Standard Projects)

Grant Agency

Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Resolved in


Principal investigator

prof. RNDr. Stanislav Opluštil Ph.D.
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Science


Mgr. Jiří Laurin, Ph.D.
Institute of Geophysics of the CAS

RNDr. Zbyněk Šimůnek, CSc.
Czech Geological Survey

Ing. Ivana Sýkorová DrSc.
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the  CAS
Team members:
Martina Havelcová
Dominik Vöröš
Tatiana Larikova
