The programme will concentrate on the elucidation of processes occurring within the Earth (Theme I: Energy within the Earth), on its surface (Theme II: Earth Surface Transformations) and in its atmospheric envelope (Theme III: Above the Earth). Each theme will also address the issue of preventing risks posed by Earth dynamics, and will support one of the prerequisites for successful research in these disciplines - the continuous collection of data by observatories, many of which are included in international monitoring networks. The fourth theme focuses on the consequences of the development of human society, such as the environmental impacts of mineral extraction and consumption, the search for alternative raw materials and the exploration of landscapes for their appropriate use and conservation (Theme IV: Footprints of Humankind).
Strategy AV21
RNDr. Aleš Špičák, CSc.
Coordinating institute: Institute of Geophysics of the CAS
Participating CAS institutes
- Institute of Geophysics of the CAS
- Institute of Geology of the CAS
- Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the CAS
- Institute of Geonics of the CAS
- Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS
- Institute of Computer Science of the CAS
Cooperating partners
- Regional Warning Centre in Prague
- Interantional Observatory Network INTERMAGNET
- Czech Geological Survey
- Faculty of Science, Charles University
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
- Military Geographic and Hydrometeorologic Office