The general aim of the project was to correlate the petrology, geochronology, geochemistry, and metallogeny of A-type granites found in various tectonic settings through the geological time. The work of the Czech participants was concentrated on study of topaz granites of the Saxothuringian Zone, metavolcanics of the Moravosilesian Zone and A-type granites in the Brno pluton. The study of topaz granites in the Saxothuringian Zone was concentrated on investigation two nearly contemporaneous granite suites with S- and A-type signature. The S-type granites are represented by late-collisional, strongly peraluminous P-rich granites. The A-type granites are post-collisional, slightly peraluminous P-low granites. Both granite suites represent ferroan granites with high Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio. This finding shows that recently proposed recommendation to replace the term A-type granite by the term ferroan granite could be matter of additional discussion. The best discrimination between S- and A-type topaz granites from the Saxothuringian Zone shows concentrations of Ce and alternatively Y vs. Ga/Al ratio.
IGCP Project No. 510
prof. Roberto Dall’Agnol, Univerzita of Pará (Brazil)
prof. Carol D. Frost, Univerzity of Wyoming, (USA)
prof. O. Tapani Rämö, Univerzity of Helsinky (Finland)
prof. Laurence J. Robb (South African Republic)
A representative working group of the Czech Republic: RNDr. Miloš René, CSc., Department of Geochemistry, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.