Innovation and information centre of geopolymers technology use, Prague, and support of geopolymers formation

Innovation and information centre of geopolymers technology use, Prague, and support of geopolymers formation

The project is aimed to research and development of geopolymer materials and their implementation in practices. An important part of the project is propagation of geopolymers technologies.

Grant Agency

Ministry for regional development of the Czech Republic, City of Prague, EU

Resolved in


Principal investigator

Ing. Tomáš Hanzlíček, Department of Geopolymers,


Člen řešitelského týmu:

Ing. Ivana Perná, PhD., IRSM ASCR


Ing. Mgr. Zdeněk Ertl a MVDr. Jan Černý, Czech Development Agency, o.p.s.

Doc. Ing. arch. Petr Suske, CSc., CTU in Prague, Faculty of Architecture

Prof. Ing. Jiří Bažan, CSc., VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava

Doc. RNDr. František Škvára, DrSc., Institute of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology
