Interactive map of seismic hazard in the Czech Republic

Interactive map of seismic hazard in the Czech Republic

The main aim is to create an interactive map of seismic hazard of the territory of the Czech Republic with help of the up-to date scientific knowledge and the system of its upgrading. The map will be consistent with the recommendation of the International Atomic Energy Agency for eveluation of seismic hazard at the sites of nuclear facilities. It will serve as the background material during the process of approving seismic safety of the nuclear buildings, facilities and infrastructure. The system of continual upgrading will enable to include the new results of science in the fields of seismic hazard and experience from new earthquakes.

Grant No.

TK03010160, Programme THÉTA

Grant Agency

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAÄŒR)

Resolved in


Principal investigator

Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS 
Jiří Málek, Ph.D. 
Lucia Fojtíková, Ph.D. 
Jiří Vackář, Ph.D. 
Renata LukeÅ¡ová (Gaždová), Ph.D. 
Jan Valenta, Ph.D.


Dr. Ivan PrachaÅ™ 
Charles University, Faculty of Science
