Multidisciplinary geophysical survey in investigation of landforms

Multidisciplinary geophysical survey in investigation of landforms

Alongside development of technical and PC equipment, applications of geophysical methods in both basic and applied research become more affordable. That includes also application in geoscience disciplines, such as geomorphology. Geomorphology, multidisciplinary science dealing with landforms investigation, is nowadays focused more on relief genesis and landforming processes. Methods of geophysical survey offer non-invasive way of obtaining information on subsurface conditions. Application of multidisciplinary geophysical survey and mutual comparison of results of various geophysical methods bring verification and an accuracy improvement. Also, multidisciplinary approach is helpful in determination of applicability of individual geophysical method for solution of specific geomorphological problem. Presented project is focused on application of multidisciplinary geophysical survey on the localities which are modelled by a specific dominant geomorphic process such as active tectonics, slope processes (deformations) or fluvial processes (e.g. flood redeposition). The results of the presented project will answer the questions of i) dynamics of relief changes depending on investigated processes (active tectonics, slope and fluvial processes), ii) suitability applicability of particular geophysical methods for study of a specific geomorphological phenomenon, iii) contribution of multidisciplinary geophysical survey in geomorphology. The project also brings interdisciplinary co-operation within Charles University in Prague, as well as with other geoscience institutions.

Grant No.


Grant Agency

Grant Agency of the Charles University in Prahue

Resolved in


Principal investigator

RNDr. Petr Tábořík, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jakub Stemberk, RNDr. Petra Štěpančíková Ph.D., doc. RNDr. Tomáš Fischer Ph.D.
