Observation scheme for recent micromovements in the Upper Rhine Graben and its integration into EU tectonic 3D micro-movement monitoring network

Observation scheme for recent micromovements in the Upper Rhine Graben and its integration into EU tectonic 3D micro-movement monitoring network

Tectonic movements can be named among the most important geodynamic processes. They play a key role in geological history of the Earth. A monitoring programme organised recently as the European COST 625 action "3-D monitoring of active tectonic structures" and included sites in two German tunnels cutting through Rheingraben structures is going to be supplemented with a new Darmstadt station and a number of sites in caves of Bohemian Massif lying all in a comparable situation of Alpine orogenic foreground. Instrumentation to be applied has proved sensitivity capable to detect movements ? 0,1 mm per year in long-time registration of 3D relative micro-movements on rock structures. Analysis of the new data can be supported by data registered systematically in the European network and will follow integral aspects of deformation of the European tectonic plate that is under pressure in the collision zone with the African plate. Obtained data can be exploited practically in projects like

Grant No.


Grant Agency

Grant Agenency Czech Republic

Resolved in


Principal investigator

RNDr. Josef Stemberk, CSc.

Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS
