The main goals of the project are research, monitoring and evaluation of the state of the rock environment, natural resources, geological hazards, and geological information in the Czech Republic, and to make those findings available to government agencies, organizations within the field, and to the general public. Research into deposits of strategic mineral resources within the territory of the Czech Republic will focus on identification and evaluation of deposits, study of refining and processing technology, and evaluation of potential exploitation of these resources as allowed by the Czech Republic. Research in the field of natural resources will be focused on selected karst regions (Moravský, Hranický, Javoříčsko-Mladečský, Chýnovský), which are noteworthy not only as hydrogeological structures with exploitable sources of groundwater (potable and mineral water), but also as regions of great value from the standpoint of nature preservation. The goal of the work is to define the areal extent of infiltration zones and risk factors that may affect the quality and quantity of groundwater. The work products will enable more effective decision-making by the relevant agencies in addressing needs for groundwater use vs. protection of newly defined hydrogeologic structures. With climate change and current expansion of socio-economic activities, both the environment and developed areas are becoming increasingly susceptible to landslide hazards. In order to provide protection from losses incurred from this geohazard, it is essential to have knowledge of and ability to accurately predict risks. The goal is to compile information on slope instability on the basis of modern technologies, which in turn will reduce costs of strategic planning of developments. Implementation of verified procedures in combination with innovative technologies will contribute to a more informed public, more effective infrastructure planning, and remediation of existing problems with slope stability.
SS02030023, Research program Environment for life, duration of the project
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
RNDr. Michal Poňavič, Ph.D.
RNDr. Jitka Novotná
RNDr. Anna Vymazalová Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Kycl
RNDr. Jan Pašava CSc.
doc. RNDr. František Staněk Ph.D.
Mgr. Vít Baldík
RNDr. Oldřich Krejčí Ph.D.
RNDr. Petr Mixa
RNDr. Pavel Müller CSc.
Ing. Jan Novotný CSc.
Mgr. Roman Novotný
Mgr. Jolana Šanderová
Czech Geological Survey
RNDr. Filip Hartvich, Ph.D.
Member of the research team:
Mgr. Jan Blahůt Ph.D.
RNDr. Josef Stemberk CSc.
RNDr. Jan Klimeš Ph.D.
RNDr. Petr Tábořík Ph.D.
RNDr. Jakub Stemberk, Ph.D.
Mgr. Ondřej Racek
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS
doc. Ing. Jan Nečas Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Naďa Rapantová CSc.
doc. RNDr. Pavel Pospíšil Ph. D.
doc. Ing. Jindřich Šancer Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Michal Kačmařík Ph.D.
Doc. RNDr. Eva Hrubešová PhD.
doc. Ing. Jiří Botula Ph.D.
Technical University of Ostrava / Faculty of Mining and Geology
Mgr. Jindřich Havránek
RNDr. Pavel Lhotský
RNDr. Jaromír Tvrdý
GET, s.r.o.