Tree-ring microscopic anatomy as a chronological data source for optimization of landslide hazard assessment

Tree-ring microscopic anatomy as a chronological data source for optimization of landslide hazard assessment

Knowledge of past landslide behaviour is a crucial input into approaches of landslide hazard assessment. Unfortunately, chronological information about landslide development are very rare. Dendrogeomorphic (tree-ring based) methods are actually supposed as effective tool of past landslide events dating in afforested temperate regions where long-term monitoring is missing. The use of microscopic anatomical growth responses of trees was still not used for landslide movements although it provides high sensitivity to other geomorphic processes (even higher than classic macroscopic responses). Thus, this project is focused on detection of microscopic anatomical growth responses of trees to landslide movements. Detected responses will be calibrated on landslides with long-term monitoring. Calibrated microscopic responses will be applied to landslides without monitoring. Tree anatomy-based chronologies of past landslide movements will be completed about historical records. Resulted near-complete chronologies of landsliding will be implemented in approaches of landslide hazard assessment. 

Grant No.

22-12522S, Standard Projects 

Grant Agency

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Resolved in


Principal investigator

Dr. Karel Å ilhán 
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science


Dr. Jan Klimes 
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS 

Members of the research team (IRSM): 
Jan Balek
Jan Blahůt
Filip Hartvich
Petr Tábořík

Dr. Pavel Raska 
UJEP - Department of Geography 
