
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR, v.v.i
Czech Society for composite materials and carbon
invite you to a seminar Dr. Naresh Kasoju from the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i
on: Electrospinning: Variations in design, products and applications
Wednesday 24th April 2013 at 10:00 (am) in the lecture hall of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR, v.v.i,, V Holešovičkách 41, Prague 8 - Liben.
Public transport connection: metro C Holešovice, then bus 201 to Vychovatelna or metro C Kobylisy, then tram 10 and 3 back to Vychovatelna stop.
Ing. Karel Balík: balik@irsm.cas.cz,
tel. +420 266 009 201