
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR and
Czech Society for Composite and Carbon
invite you to a lecture by dr. Marek Pokorny Contipro Biotech Ltd.:
"The introduction of technology for the preparation of nanomaterials 4Spin"
When: Tuesday, 5 March 2013 at 10:00 am
Where: in the lecture room IRSM, V Holešovičkách 41, Prague 8
Warmly invites Ing. Karel Balik, PhD., Chairman of society
Public Transport connection:
metro C Holešovice, then bus 201 Vychovatelna station or metro C Kobylisy, then tram 10 and 3 back to station Vychovatelna.
Czech Society for Composite and Carbon
invite you to a lecture by dr. Marek Pokorny Contipro Biotech Ltd.:
"The introduction of technology for the preparation of nanomaterials 4Spin"
When: Tuesday, 5 March 2013 at 10:00 am
Where: in the lecture room IRSM, V Holešovičkách 41, Prague 8
Warmly invites Ing. Karel Balik, PhD., Chairman of society
Public Transport connection:
metro C Holešovice, then bus 201 Vychovatelna station or metro C Kobylisy, then tram 10 and 3 back to station Vychovatelna.