Research into natural polymers and their solutions, such as collagen, often ignores the effects of extreme external influences on their internal structure, physical properties, thermodynamics and mechanics. This experimental project is focused on the research of changes in the structure and composition of collagen mass due to irradiation and the action of very high pressure. The evaluation of these effects will be performed on the basis of chemical and structural analysis aimed at describing the change in secondary structure, stability and degree of collagen degradation. The effect of collagen mass modification will be monitored by measuring changes in its physical properties, namely, rheological, thermal and mechanical. Another goal is to determine the relationship between these properties. New rheometric devices will be built for the implementation of experiments and existing experimental systems will be modified. A simple semi-empirical model will be proposed to describe the stability of the flow and the dependence of the physical properties on the degree of external processing.
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Dr. Milan Houska
Food Research Institute Prague, v.v.i.
Dr. Jan Skočilas
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Monika Šupova
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS