Mgr. Jan Blahůt, Ph.D.

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About Me

I am an expert in Landslide processes and Landslide Risk Reduction. I act as an editor for the journals Landslides, Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia and Geoenvironmental Disasters and I am doing reviews for the journals Landslides, Geomorphology, NHESS, Water, Natural Hazards, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Journal of Mountain Science, Remote Sensing, Science of the Total Environment or Transportation Geotechnics. I also participate in teaching at the Charles University in Prague a course on Dynamic Engineering Geology and I supervise bachelor, master, and doctoral theses in Geography and Cartography, Physical Geography, Geotechnologies, and Applied Geology. Since 2020 I have started teaching my own lecture on Monitoring of Geodynamic Processes at the University of Ostrava, Czechia. I am an expert witness named by the Minister of Justice of the Czech Republic with specialisation in Engineering Geology, Geomorphology, Stability of Slopes and Rock Walls.

Publishing Activity

• Blahůt J, Mitrovic-Woodell I, Baroň I, René M, Rowberry M, Blard P-H, Hartvich F, Balek J, Meletlidis S (2020) Volcanic edifice slip events recorded on the fault plane of the San Andrés Landslide, El Hierro, Canary Islands. Tectonophysics 776:228317.
• Blahůt J, Balek J, Klimeš J, Rowberry M, Kusák M, Kalina J (2019) A comprehensive global database of giant landslides on volcanic islands. Landslides 16(10):2045-2052.
• Blahůt J, Baroň I, Sokoľ L, Meletlidis S, Klimeš J, Rowberry M, Melichar R, García-Cañada L, Martí X (2018) Large landslide stress states calculated during extreme climatic and tectonic events on El Hierro, Canary Islands. Landslides 15(9):1801-1814.
• Hartvich F, Blahůt J, Stemberk J (2017) Rock avalanche and rock glacier: A compound landform study from Hornsund, Svalbard. Geomorphology 276(1):244-256.
• Blahůt J, Poretti I, Sterlacchini S, De Amicis M (2012) Database of Geo-hydrological Disasters for Civil Protection Purposes. Natural Hazards 60(3):1065-1083.

Lectures and Teaching

Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Prague, Czechia - Dynamic Engineering Geology

The University of Ostrava, Faculty of Sciences, Ostrava, Czechia - Monitoring of Geodynamic Processes


• Expert witness named by the Minister of Justice of the Czech Republic in the field of Mining, branch Geology, Specialisation in Engineering geology, Geomorphology, Stability of Slopes and Rock Walls
• Examination Committee for the state doctoral exams and for doctoral theses defence in doctoral study programs Geology and Applied Geology
• Examination Committee for the state exams in master study program Applied Geology
• LandAware the international network on Landslide Early Warning Systems
• Czech National Committee for Disaster Reduction (CNCDR)
• International Consortium on Landslides (ICL)
• European Geosciences Union (EGU)
• International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG)
• Geology and Information Technology Group, Italian Geological Society (GIT)
• Czech Association of Geomorphologists (CAG)
• Geotechnical monitoring board of the D8 motorway (RAMO)


Řešeno v letech: 2023-2027
Řešeno v letech: 2020-2026


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Workshop, Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague

Journal / Book

Coastal and submarine landslides on volcanic islands, their research is conducted by Czech experts with the support of a grant National Geographic Society and the Waitt Institute
- article and interview in National Geograpfic magazine

Press Release

The first stage of building a giant landslide monitoring network on El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, was completed by the beginning of February, experts from the Department of Engineering Geology Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics (IRSM) AV CR. This work is funded by the National Geographic Society grant and the Waitt Institute. Coastal and submarine landslides on volcanic islands, the largest known landslides on Earth. In the Canary Islands, they occurred fairly regularly over the last 300,000 years and probably for them were large and tsunami.

Seminar / Workshop

12th international conference, 18th -20th April, Sokolov