RNDr. Filip Hartvich, Ph.D.

Building No. 1
Floor No. 1

I have started working at the Department of Engineering Geology of the IRSM in 2001, shortly before I finished my MSc. degree at the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology of the Faculty of Science, Charles University (2002). I continued with Ph.D. studies at the same school, finishing the Ph.D. degree in 2009. Currently, I work as a researcher, and I serve as head of the department of Engineering Geology (since 2018) and as deputy director of the Institute (since 2014).

Professionally, I am a geomorphologist and geologist with a very wide scope of professional interests. Among the main research directions I have been working on with my numerous colleagues and collaborators are in recent years are structural and tectonic geomorphology, applications of geophysical methods in geomorphology and engineering geology(focusing on geoelectric methods), study of dangerous geodynamic processes and geodynamic hazards (mostly slope and tectonic processes), fluvial and sedimentary geomorphology, geoinformatic applications in geoscience (particularly DEM creation and exploitation), GIS and GNSS assisted mapping, morphometric analyses of DEM, and, last but not least, applications of ascending technologies and research fields in geomorphology and geology – such as applications of UAV-based mapping, infrared imagery, thermal effects on rock stability, paleoseismology or terrestrial LiDAR data processing and exploitation.

I am also active in the field of practical applications of the above mentioned geoscientific methods and approaches. With my colleagues, we have prepared numerous expert´s opinions, studies and analyses on various cases of dangerous geodynamic processes, such as landslides, rockfalls, flood hazards, etc.
Throughout the years, I have participated on numerous projects, studies and research activities, mostly in cooperation with my colleagues from the IRSM, but also from the Charles University, Ostrava University, University of West Bohemia, Czech geological survey, Polish AS, Wroclaw University, San Diego State University, and numerous others.

Having spent a large part of last more than 20 years on the fieldworks, I have vast experience as field researcher. I have been participating on field studies at many geodynamically interesting sites around the world. While some part of my fieldworks was and is carried on in the Czech Republic (especially, Šumava Mts., Czech Cretaceous plateau, Beskydy Mts., České Středohoří and Barrandien), during my career I worked in Peru, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania, Canary Islands, and in recent years I spent every summer with fieldworks at Svalbard, Norway.

Currently, I am author or co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, numerous contract research studies and reports, and serve as reviewer for several IF journals. I also contribute to the popularization of our research field through public lectures, seminars for public, popularization articles and short films (see the links).

Aside from the research activities, I am also a lecturer at the Dpt. of Physical Geography and Geoecology (Fac. of Science, Charles University), where I participate on the education of new generation of researchers since 2004. I both teach several subjects (including structural and tectonic geomorphology and field practicals) and serve as supervisor, consultant and reviewer of the students´ theses and try to involve my students into real research tasks.
Hartvich, F. (2005): Research of geodynamic activity in the vicinity of Obří Hrad, Šumava Mts. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, Vol. 1, No. 2(137), IRSM AS CR, Prague, pp. 29-35.

Spanilá, T., Hartvich, F., Kudrna, Z., Chour, V. (2005): Slope and erosional processes in Chabařovice open mine pit. Proceedings of the Conference „15. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie“, Erlangen, 6.-9. 4. 2005, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany, pp.

Hartvich, F. (2005): Stavba svahů ve středním povodí Losenice. In: Rypl, J. (ed.): Geomorfologický sborník 4. Sborník z konference "Stav geomorfologických výzkumů v roce 2005", Nové Hrady, 25.-27. 4. 2005, Jihočeská Univerzita, České Budějovice, str. 119 - 123.

Hartvich, F. and Zvelebil, J. (2005): Research of geodynamic phenomena in the vicinity of Obří Hrad, Šumava Mts. Abstracts Volume of the Conference „6th International Conference on Geomorphology“, Zaragoza, 7.-11. 9. 2005, p.

Hartvich, F. (2005): Analysis of the longitudinal profiles of selected rivers in the Šumava Mts., Southwest Bohemia. Sborník ze semináře "Stav geologických a geomorfologických výzkumů Šumavy a přilehlých pohoří v roce 2005, Miscellanea Geographica 11, ZČU, Plzeň, 2005.

Vilímek, V., Zvelebil, J., Klimeš, J., Patzelt, Z., Astete, F., Kachlík, V. and Hartvich, F. (2006): Geomorphological research of large-scale slope instability at Machu Picchu, Peru. Geomorphology, Volume 89, Issues 3-4, p. 241-257

Hartvich, F. (2006): Hodnocení morfometrických parametrů nivy, vymezení nivy v GISu a využití příčných profilů In: Langhammer, J. (ed.) a kol. (2006): Povodně a změny v krajině. Monografie, KFGG, PřF UK, Praha, 2006.

Zvelebil, J. and Hartvich, F. (2006): Site-friendly dilatometric slope monitoring at Celtic Mountain Citadel of Obří Hrad, S. Bohemia. Proceedings of the ICL Symposium 22. - 24. 11. 2006, Paris.

Marek, J., Rybář, J, Chamra, S., Kudrna, Z., Vilímek, V., Forczek, I., Hartvich, F., Košťák, B., Stemberk J. and Schröfel, J. (2006): Evaluation of the geological phenomena threating historical heritage structures in the Czech Republic dominating the landscape scenery. Acta Research Reports, No. 15, Prague. P. 15-29.

Rybář, J., Stemberk, J., Hartvich, F. (2006): Slope failures around the rock castle Drábské světničky. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, No. 4 (144), IRSM, Prague. P. 51-65

Hartvich, F. (2006): Morfometrické techniky s využitím izobazit na příkladu reliéfu střední Šumavy. In.: Smolová, I. (ed.): Geomorfologické výzkumy v roce 2006. Vydavatelstvi UP v Olomouci, Olomouc, 2006, s. 43 – 48.

Spanilá, T., Kudrna, Z., John, V., Hartvich, F. and Chour, V. (2006): Assessment of factors and conditions influencing bank stability of future lakes. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, No. 4 (144), IRSM, Prague. P. 67-76.

Křížek, M., Hartvich, F., Šefrna, L., Chuman, T. and Šobr, M. (2007): Floodplain and its delimitation. Sborník ČGS 2/07.
Hartvich, F., Langhammer, J., Vilímek, V. (2007): Geomorphological consequences of 2002 flood in Otava River catchment. Water Resources, Moscow, Volume 34, Number 1/ February, pp. 14-26

Hartvich, F. (2007): Character and dynamics of the floodplain of the Losenice River, Šumava Mts. Silva Gabreta 13/3, NP Šumava, Vimperk, pp. 237-249

Hartvich, F. a Jedlička, J. (2007): Metodika vymezování údolní nivy v prostředí GIS. In: Langhammer, J. (ed.): Sborník z konference „Povodně a změny v krajině“, 5.6.2007, Praha.

Hartvich, F., Zvelebil, J., Slabina, M. and Havlíček, D. (2007): Multidisciplinary analysis of a slope failure at the Obří Hrad site in the Šumava Mts. Geomorphologica Slovaca 2007, str. 47-57.

Hartvich, F. (2007): Vybrané metody sledování současných geomorfologických procesů. Miscellanea Geographica 15, ZČU Plzeň, str. 9-15.

Hartvich, F. a Jedlička, J. (2008): Vývoj nástrojů automatického vymezování údolní nivy na základě DMR a jeho aplikace v povodí Opavy. In: Langhammer, J (ed.): Údolní niva jako prostor ovlivňující průběh a následky povodní. Monografický sborník, KFGG PřF UK, 2008, str. 46-57

Hartvich, F. a Vilímek, V. (2008): Selected landforms and their significance for analysis of the developement of the Losenice River valley. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, Vol. 5 (151), p. 275 – 296.

Hartvich, F. (2009): Reconstruction of the rockslide mechanics using various methods. Proceedings of the Conference „17. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie“, Zittau, 6.-9. 5. 2009, Hochshule Zittau-Gorlitz, Germany, pp. 401-403

Hartvich, F. a Stemberk, J. (2009): Měření účinku slapových sil na horninové prostředí. Geografické rozhledy, 2/9-10, str. 8-9

Hartvich, F. and Mentlík, P. (2010): Slope development reconstruction at two sites in the Bohemian Forest Mountains. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 35, 373–389

Skácelová, Z., Rapprich, V., Valenta, J., Hartvich, F,, Šrámek, J., Radoň, M., Gaždová, R., Nováková, L., Kolínský, P. and Pésckay, Z. (2010): Geophysical research on structure of partly eroded maar volcanoes: Miocene Hnojnice and Oligocene Rychnov volcanoes (northern Czech Republic). Journal of Geosciences, 55 (2010), 299–311

Klimeš, J., Rowberry, M.D., Blahůt, J., Briestenský, M., Hartvich, F., Košťák, B., Rybář, J., Stemberk, J., Štěpančíková, P. (2011): The monitoring of slow moving landslides and assessment of stabilisation measures using an optical-mechanical crack gauge. Landslides,. Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 407-415

Hartvich, F. and Rybář, J. (2011): Zřícení skalní věže Pinta na západním okraji Příhrazské vrchoviny. Monografie Pískovcový fenomén II, Muzeum v České Lípě

Stemberk J. and Hartvich, F. (2011): Fault slips recorded in the Strašín Cave (SW Bohemian Massif). Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, Vol. 8 No. 4 (164) / 2011

Hartvich, F. and Valenta, J. (2011): The identification of faults using morphostructural and geophysical methods: a case study from Strašín Cave. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, Vol. 8, No. 4 (164) / 2011

Langhammer, J., Hartvich, F., Mattas, D., Rödlová, S. and Zbořil, A. (2012): The variability of surface water quality indicators in relation to watercourse typology, Czech Republic. Environ. Monit. Assessment (2012) 184: 3983–3999

Burda, J., Hartvich, F., Valenta, J., Smítka, V. and Rybář, J. (2012) Climate-induced landslide reactivation at the edge of the Most Basin (Czech Republic) - progress towards better landslide prediction., Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 361-374

Raška, P., Zábranský, V., Hartvich, F. (2013). Rekonstrukce historické svahové deformace při Kozím vrchu u Ústí nad Labem pomocí dokumentárních dat a terénních metod. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech, 2013, roč. 46, č. 1, s. 154–158.

Hartvich, F. and Valenta, J. (2013): Tracing an intra-montane fault: an interdisciplinary approach. Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 34, Issue 3, p. 317-347
Pánek, T., Hartvich, F., Jankovská, V., Klimeš, J., Tábořík, P., Bubík, M., Smolková, V., Hradecký, J. (2014): Large Late Pleistocene landslides from the marginal slope of the Flysch Carpathians. Landslides, Vol. 11, Issue 6, p. 981-992

Raška, P., Hartvich, F., Cajz, V., Adamovič, J. (2014): Structural setting of the Čertovka landslide (Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic): morphostructural analysis and electrical resistivity tomography. Geological Quaterly, roč. 58, č. 1, č. 85–98

Langhammer, J., Hartvich, F., Kliment, Z., Jeníček, M., Bernsteinová (Kaiglová), J., Vlček, L., Su, Y.,Štych, P. and Miřijovský, J. (2015): The impact of disturbance on the dynamics of fluvial processes in mountain landscapes. Silva Gabreta 21/1, p. 105-116

Klimeš, J., Novotný, J., Novotná, I., Jordán de Urries, B., Vilímek, V., Emmer, A., Strozzi, T., Kusák, M., Cochachin Rapr, A., Hartvich, F., Frey, H. (2016): Landslides in moraines as triggers of glacial lake outburst floods: example from Palcacocha Lake (Cordillera Blanca, Peru) Landslides, Vol. 13, Issue 6, p. 1461-1477

Hartvich, F., Blahut, J. and Stemberk, J. (2017): Rock avalanche and rock glacier: A compound landform study from Hornsund, Svalbard. Geomorphology, Vol. 276, p. 244-256

Klimeš, J., Hartvich, F., Tábořík, P., Blahut, J., Briestenský, M., Stemberk, J., Emmer, A., Vargas, R. and Balek, J. (2017): Studies on selected landslides and their societal impacts: activity report of the Prague World Centre of Excellence, Czech Republic. Landslides, vol. 14, Issue 4 , p. 1547-1553

Stemberk, J., Hartvich, F., Blahut, J., Rybář, J., and Krejčí, O. (2017): Tectonic strain changes affecting the development of deep seated gravitational slope deformations in the Bohemian Massif and Outer Western Carpathians. Geomorphology, Vol. 289, p. 3-17

Langhammer, J., Lendzioch, T., Miřijovský, J. and Hartvich, F. (2017): UAV-Based Optical Granulometry as Tool for Detecting Changes in Structure of Flood Depositions. Remote Sensing, Vol. 9, Issue 3, AN 240 DOI: 10.3390/rs9030240

Klimeš, J., Stemberk, J., Blahut, J., Krejčí, V., Krejčí, O., Hartvich, F. and Kycl, P. (2017): Challenges for landslide hazard and risk management in 'low-risk' regions, Czech Republic-landslide occurrences and related costs (IPL project no. 197). Vol. 14, Issue 2, p. 771-780

Chalupa V, Pánek T, Tábořík P, Klimeš J, Hartvich F, Grygar R (2018) Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations controlled by the structure of flysch nappe outlier: insights from large scale electrical resistivity tomography survey and LiDAR mapping. Geomorphology, 321: 174-187.

Uxa, T., Křížek, M., Krause, D., Hartvich, F., Tábořík, P. and Kasprzak, M. (2018): Comment on 'Geophysical approach to the study of a periglacial blockfield in a mountain area (Ztracené kameny, Eastern Sudetes, Czech Republic)' by Stan et al. (2017). Geomorphology, accepted. online

Štěpančíková, P., Fischer, T., Stemberk, J., Novakova, L., Hartvich, F., Figueiredo, P.M. (2019): Active tectonics in the Cheb Basin: youngest documented Holocene surface faulting in Central Europe? Geomorphology, Vol. 327, Pages: 472-488 DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.11.007

Balek, J., Klimeš, J., Blahůt, J., Štroner, M., Urban R., Hartvich, F. (2019): Shallow landslide movements in clay rich rocks detected during subnormal precipitation period. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 16:409-417.

Blahůt J, Mitrovic-Woodell I, Baroň I, René M, Rowberry MD, Blard P-H, Hartvich F, Meletlidis S (2019): Volcanic edifice collapse events recorded on a fault plane: San Andrés Landslide, Canaries, Spain. Tectonophysics.

Šolcová, A., Jamrichová, E., Horsák, M., Pařil, P., Heiri, O., Květoň, J., Křížek, M., Hartvich, F., Hájek, M., Hájková, P. (2020): Abrupt vegetation and environmental change since the MIS 2: a unique paleorecord from Slovakia (Central Europe). Quaternary Science Reviews, vol.230, AN 106170

Hartvich, F., Tábořík, P., Šobr, M., Janský, B., Kliment, Z., and Langhammer, J. (2020) Landslide‐dammed lake sediment volume calculation using waterborne ERT and SONAR profiling. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4977.
Dpt. of physical geography and geoecology, Fac. of Science, Charles University

2004 - Practicals in mathematical geography
2008 - 2017 Selected chapters from the physical and human geography of Czechia
2008 - Selected chapters from the Physical Geography and Geoecology
2009 - Methods in physical geography II
2010 - Field practicals in physical geography
2011 -2017 Computer applications in physical geography
2013 - Application of geoinformatics in physical geography
2011 - Structural and tectonic geomorphology
2016 - Floods in the landscape
2016 - Modelling of physical-geographical processes

Supervisor (bachelor theses):
Roman Hošek (KFGG, PřF UK, 2010 – 2011)
Soňa Merlíčková (KFGG, PřF UK, 2010 – 2012)
Lukáš Šmídek (KFGG, PřF UK, 2010 – 2011)
Veronika Bakešová (KFGG, PřF UK, 2012 – 2013)
Radek Kučera (KFGG, PřF UK, 2015 – 2018)

Consultant (bachelor theses):
Monika Peštová (Fac. of informatics and management, UHK, 2017-2018)

Supervisor (master theses):

Bc. Jitka Mutinská (KFGG, PřF UK, 2008 – 2011)
Bc. Lukáš Šmídek (KFGG, PřF UK, 2011 – 2013)
Bc. Roman Hošek (KFGG, PřF UK, 2011 – 2013)
Bc. Soňa Merlíčková (Dpt. of geography, Fac. of Science, UJEP, 2013 – 2016)
Bc. Pavel Sedláček (KFGG, PřF UK, 2016 – present)
Bc. Pavla Draxlerová (KFGG, PřF UK, 2018 – present)
Bc. Alexandra Dergunova (KFGG, PřF UK, 2019 – present)
Bc. Šárka Burkytová (KFGG, PřF UK, 2019 – present)
Bc. Barbora Paulusová (KFGG, PřF UK, 2020 – present)

Consultant (master theses):
Bc. Michala Housarová (KFGG, PřF UK, 2005 – 2007)
Bc. Leona Findžová (KFGG, PřF UK, 2020 – present)

Consultant (master theses):
Mgr. Michala Housarová (KFGG, PřF UK, 2007 – 2010)
Mgr. Radka Kalinová (ÚPSG, PřF UK, 2016 – present)
Head of the control board of the Czech Association of Geomorphologists

Member if the IAEG

Member of the Examination Board for State Examinations and Commission for Theses Defense in the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study Programms of Physical geography, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Member of the Scientific Board of the Český Ráj Geopark
Language skills

English C2
French B2
German A2

Other skills

- advanced GIS user (MapInfo, ArcView, ArcGIS/ArcInfo, Surfer, SAGA Gis, QGIS, Global Mapper)
- advanced 3D imagery sw user (Agisoft Photoscan, PolyWorks, CloudCompare, Voxler)
- computer hardware specialist
- driving license A, B a B+E
- licensed UAV pilot
- licensed small vessel captain


Movements (2015) – Documentary on research of the team on Svalbard (45 min.). In cooperation with the Audiovisual Department of AS Service Center,
Landscape in movement / Silent menaces (2018) – Series of 6 documentary films on various dangerous natural processes, studied by respective teams (25 min). In cooperation with the Audiovisual Department of AS Service Center,

Lectures for general public

Seminar for broad audience organized to commemorate 90. anniversary of the Dneboh landslide. Mnichovo Hradiště. 26.-28.5. 2016
Projection of documentary "Movements" on the work of Czech researchers in High Arctic followed by a discussion with Dr. Hartvich. 13.9.2017, Faculty of Science, Chares University, Prague
Projection of documentary "Movements" on the work of Czech researchers in High Arctic followed by a discussion with Dr. Hartvich. 8.11.2017, Ostrava Planetarium, Ostrava
Projection of documentary "Landscape in movement" from the cycle "Silent menaces" followed by a discussion with Dr. Hartvich. 7.11.2018, Letohrad secondary grammar school
Projection of documentary "Landscape in movement" and "Earthquake swarms" from the cycle "Silent menaces" followed by a discussion with Dr. Hartvich. 19.4.2018, Secondary grammar school of J. S. Machar, Brandýs nad Labem
Projection of documentary "Landscape in movement" from the cycle "Silent menaces" followed by a discussion with Dr. Hartvich. 13.10. 2019, Headquarters of the AS at Národní st.


Dvořáčková V, Mádlová V, Šoukal J, Balík K, Bičáková O, Blahůt J, Čermák I, Černý M, Fojtíková L, Glogar P, Hartvich F, Havelcová M, Káš V, Kloužek J, Málek J, Mužík L, Novák M, Nováková L, Rybář J, Stemberk J, Stemberk J, Straka P, Suchý T, Sýkorová I, Szameitat A, Štěpančíková P, Tábořík P, Weishauptová Z (2018): Science below Rokoska Hill. History of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS and its predecessors. Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, Praha, 231 p. [in Czech]


Řešeno v letech: 2024-2028
Řešeno v letech: 2023-2027
Řešeno v letech: 2020-2026


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Lecture, Seminar / Workshop

Seminar on geoscience research in the Eger Rift

On October 31, 2024, an informal research seminar, devoted to current geoscience research in the Eger Rift and surroundings, will take place in our institute. The seminar is open to interested audience of geoscience students and professionals from academia, industry, and public institutions.

P. Hrubcová, T. Fischer, T. Dahm, V. Rapprich, J. Valenta, J. Mrlina, R. Beránek, P. Tábořík, T. Vylita
Drilling in western Eger Rift and surveying of Bažina Maar

P. Štěpančíková, J. Flašar, T. Rockwell, Jakub Stemberk, P. Tábořík, Ch. Goswami, F. Hartvich, H. Sana, N. Brown
Variability of neotectonic activity along the Mariánské Lázně fault

P. Tábořík, P. Štěpančíková, Jakub Stemberk, L. Findžová, T. Fischer, J. Valenta
Discovering the Čirá-Kopanina Fault: Bridging the Gap Between Surface Evidence and Seismic Activity?

J. Flašar, P. Štěpančíková
Geomorphological evidence of tectonic activity of the Mariánské Lázně Fault (Czech Republic) and its influence to stream network evolution

M. Coubal, M. Šťastný, P. Štěpančíková, Jakub Stemberk, J. Schweigstillová, F. Veselovský, D. Kořínková
Study of faulted volcanic bodies – a specific way to reconstruct the paleostress
events during the Plio-Pleistocene. A case study from the Komorní Hůrka Volcano, Bohemian Massif

Seminar / Workshop

State of geomorphological research in 2014

14th international conference, 23th - 25th April 2014, Teplice

Seminar / Workshop

State of geomorphological research in 2012

12th international conference, 18th -20th April, Sokolov

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